All business accounts require:
- Business name
- Physical address and contact number
- Tax ID number or EIN
- Government issued photo identification for all signers
- Beneficial ownership information (includes SSN or passport number of non U.S. citizen owner, date of birth, street address, and government issued photo ID of all owners)
Additional requirements by business type below:
Sole Proprietorship (DBA)
- No additional documentation needed
- Meeting minutes listing who has authority to conduct business for this organization/association—signed by officers
- Secretary of State filing
- Partnership Agreement
- Partnership Tax Return (K1) —if there is no partnership agreement
- Secretary of State filing—if general partnership, Secretary of State filing is not required
- Operating Agreement
- LLC Tax Return (K1)—if there is no operating agreement
- Single Member LLC—EIN Verification Letter
- Secretary of State filing
S Corporation
- Requires one of the following:
- By-laws
- Annual Report
- Business Tax Return (K1)—if there is no charter or by-laws
- Secretary of State filing
- Requires one of the following:
- By-laws
- Annual Report
- Secretary of State filing