When you need to reach out to Wilson Bank & Trust, please use the list below to get in touch with the appropriate service representative, and we will answer your questions or address your concerns as quickly as possible. You can also visit us at any of our convenient locations.

Call Us
Customer Solutions Center
Toll-Free: (844) 928-2265
Local: (615) 443-0012
More Calling Options
Online/Mobile Banking | (615) 443-6105 |
Debit/Check Cards
Regular Business Hours | (615) 443-6105 |
Fraud Management | (855) 293-2456 |
Lost or stolen card after business hours | (888) 297-3416 (Inside US) (206) 389-5200 (Outside US) |
Credit Cards
Lost or Stolen Card and Travel Notifications | (888) 999-2311 (anytime) or (615) 443-6105 (during business hours) |
Unauthorized Activity | (888) 999-2311 |
Business Services/Treasury Management | (615) 449-3632 |
Travel Club | (615) 443-6614 |
Human Resources | (615) 547-5635 |